After School Programs Summary Information
After School Program for Elementary Schools
The After School Program for elementary sites is comprised of After School Education and Safety (ASES) and Bridge to Learning (BTL). These programs are available Monday through Friday, including all minimum days, immediately after school until 6:00 pm.
ASES provides recreation and enrichment activities Monday-Friday on regular school days with few exceptions from the time school is dismissed until 6:00 p.m.
BTL provides the concentrated academic intervention instruction during the week.
Who can participate?
All students from kindergarten through 6th grade in elementary school are eligible to attend the Elementary After School Program. Students are provided a snack, immediately followed by the academic session. During this time, students that do not need intervention support are given time to work on homework assignments and receive academic enrichment activities aligned to the regular school day. Students enrolled in intervention will receive extra support in academics.
Registration information
Registration forms are available for parents to complete at every elementary school site and in the Educational Options Department located at Hanline Elementary.
Can my child leave early?
Yes, in accordance with our Early Release Policy, a parent or guardian may pick up their child from the program before the 6:00PM ending time as long as they sign the early release log verifying they are picking up their child and annotate the time.
Please contact the After School Program office 209-556-1548. Office hours are 8:00am to 5:30pm.
After School Program for Junior High Schools
The After School Program for all junior high students is comprised of After School Education and Safety (ASES) and Intervention/Tutoring, as well as other school sports teams and student clubs. These programs are available Monday through Friday, including all minimum days, immediately after school until 6:00pm.
ASES provides recreation and enrichment activities Monday-Friday on regular school days with few exceptions from the time school is dismissed until 6:00pm.
Each site runs their specific intervention/tutoring program. Please contact the school and ask to speak with the site Learning Director for specifics about their After School Tutoring Program.
Before and After School Program for High Schools
Ceres Unified is committed to helping every student reach his or her potential, through programs that include enrichment, recreation, academic support, college readiness.
The Academic Extended Day program assists students in their quest for academic success and allows them to complete credits required for graduation. Academic Extended Day classes are available to students who may not have all of the credits necessary to meet CUSD’s high school graduation requirements. Courses are offered for the semester either Monday-Thursday nights from 5:30 to 8:30pm. Students who successfully complete a course can earn five credits toward the graduation requirement.
How can I get more information on the program?
If you would like more information about this program, please contact the Counseling Office at Ceres High School, Central Valley High School, or Argus High School. The student’s counselor will advise and enroll the student in the appropriate classes.