Proficiency Based Learning for Families


Dear Ceres Unified School District Families of Elementary Students,

An exciting change is underway this year as CUSD introduces Proficiency-based Grading. This new way of grading is rooted in research and developed in collaboration with CUSD classroom teachers to provide a clear picture of your child’s progress toward year-end learning expectations.

How does Proficiency-based Grading work?

Teachers use proficiency scales to measure specific knowledge and skills that demonstrate students’ mastery of essential concepts; for example, parts of speech and multiplication.

How is this different?

A traditional 100-point letter-based grading system measures performance on tests, assignments, and other types of work, typically incorporating non-academic factors like participation, effort, and attitude.

Proficiency-based Grading focuses purely on learning, offering objective feedback on students’ strengths and areas for growth, with clearly defined learning targets.

What about report cards?

For some students in grades 4-6, report cards may look different beginning this year. Instead of letter grades, students will receive numerical grades of 1, 2, or 3. Students in grades K-3 and most students in grades 4-6 are already receiving numerical grades.

For all students, grades will now reflect progress on end-of-the-year expectations with detailed feedback that reflects where they are in their learning. For that reason, some 1s and 2s should be expected early in the school year:

1   - Not yet taught or student requires consistent help.

2   - Student is approaching proficiency.

3   - Student is proficient.

Along with this change, report cards will be issued twice per year in December and June, with progress reports in October and March. The shift from a trimester to a semester system means a cohesive TK-12 schedule.

Next Steps

We are honored to be part of your child’s educational journey and look forward to successful outcomes this school year! Please feel free to connect with your child’s teacher through ParentSquare direct message if you have questions about Proficiency-based Grading or wish to discuss your child’s learning. For more details on your child’s progress, activate your Infinite Campus Parent Portal. You may also visit for more information and instructions on setting up your Parent portal account.