Elementary PE
Program Administrator
Elementary PE Teachers:

The Ceres Unified School District’s elementary physical education program provides standards based physical fitness instruction to kindergarten through sixth grade students. The program is designed to empower students to sustain lifelong physical activity as a basis for a healthy, productive life. The staff teaches in an active, caring, supportive, and nonthreatening environment that allows all children to be challenged and successful.
Instruction is provided by the elementary PE teachers for 100 minutes a week to all kinder through sixth grade students. The core classroom teachers also provide additional instructional time each week to ensure the required physical education minutes are met. Elementary students who participate in band are able to meet the PE required number of minutes through the Extended Day PE Program or Independent Study PE Contracts.
Students in 5th, 7th, and 9th grade are required to participate in the Physical Fitness Test information
Physical Education Resources and Information