Elementary Music
Erin Balaam
Program Administrator
Educational Services
Elementary Music Teachers
Jeff Beckton

Elementary Music Teachers
Front row: Jeff Beckton, Philip Strangio, Connie Sorensen, Ashley Dias
Back row: Aaron Sorensen, Harrison Cating, Jeff Beckton
The performing arts curriculum enables students to acquire knowledge, develop skills, and expand their creative potential. The CUSD music program offers students in TK through sixth grade the building blocks of music education; rhythm, melody, harmony, form, expression, and musical heritage. Music instruction uses the hands-on implementation of listening, singing, playing, moving, reading, writing, exploring, creating, developing, and performing.
Classroom Music
Classroom Music consists of a singing/choral experience for all students in the TK - 4th grade. These students participate in choir/general music on a rotation by classroom teacher, approximately three months of the school year. When students are not in a choir rotation, they participate in Physical Education.
Instrumental Music
In 5th grade all students will participate in a rotation Classroom Instrumental Music during the first half of the school year. Every student will play a traditional band instrument in music class. In November, all 5th graders will have the opportunity to join Band for the remainder of the year.
All 6th graders may choose to play an instrument starting in August. This is a commitment for the entire school year. Students are required to practice playing at home and bring instruments and books to school on band days. No instrument purchase or rental fees are required. Ceres Unified provides instruments for all students who wish to participate.
Students who elect to take music must participate in Extended Day PE or Independent Study PE in order to meet the Educational Code requirement of 200 PE minutes every 10 school days. The Educational Code of California (EC Section 51210[g] requires that, "Students in grades one through six must be provided with physical education instruction with an emphasis upon the physical activities for the pupils that may be conducive to health and vigor or body and mind, for a total period of time of not less that 200 minutes each ten school days, exclusive of recesses and the lunch period."
24-25 Extended Day Physical Education (EDPE) Student Calendar
2024-2025 District Music Events
Instrument Expo - Thursday, August 15, 2024
An opportunity for 6th graders to try out instruments with their parents before
committing for the school year
Band Day at CHS vs. Johansen Football Game - October 18 , 2024
Singsational - Tuesday, November 26, 2024 6:00 PM, CVHS Gym
District Choral Festival featuring 4th grade Honor Choir and choral students from all Junior Highs and High Schools
Bandtastic - Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 6:00 PM, CVHS Gym
District Band Concert featuring 6th through 12th grade bands
Elementary Music Teachers and Schools
Mr. Jeffrey Beckton: La Rosa, Sam Vaughn
Mrs. Ashley Dias: Virginia Parks
Mr. Harrison Cating: Beaver, Carroll Fowler
Mr. Damon Hunn: Caswell, Lucas
Mr. Aaron Sorensen: Walter White, Westport
Mrs. Connie Sorensen: Adkison, Don Pedro
Mr. Phillip Strangio: Hidahl, Sinclear