BK Sharks, be sure to enter the first annual BK pumpkin decorating contest! All can enter, few will win!

The recently completed facilities master planning process identified upgrades and repairs needed to help prepare students for college and the workforce and ensure that all CUSD students have access to safe and modern classrooms, labs and educational facilities equal to what other students in Stanislaus County already have. To learn more and view the completed Facilities Masters Plan, please visit www.ceres.k12.ca.us/page/facilities-upgrades.

What a fantastic turnout for this year’s first CUSD Town Hall meeting! Thank you to all of the families who took part in this important conversation about school safety, our staff whose work made the event possible, and the organizations and agencies who participated, including Ceres Police and Fire departments. For more photos, please visit our Facebook page.

Say "boo" to the flu! 👻💉 In partnership with Stanislaus County Health Services Agency, CUSD is hosting an annual flu clinic that is FREE for our enrolled students:
🗓️ Friday, Oct. 27
⏰ 1-5 p.m.
📍 Argus/Endeavor Multiuse Room, 2503 Lawrence St, Ceres
A limited supply of flu vaccines is also available for CUSD families, caregivers and staff.

Recently, CUSD partnered with architects and school construction experts to assess the condition of our local school facilities. The resulting Facilities Master Plan highlighted that upgrades are needed to security cameras, radios, and security systems at all schools. To learn more about steps CUSD is taking to keep local students safe, please visit www.ceres.k12.ca.us/page/facilities-upgrades.

CUSD's Family Resource Center is hosting a free Sensory Storytime featuring yoga, games, and dance for children ages 2-5 and one caregiver! 🧘💃📚
🗓️ Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023
⏰ 9:30-10:30 a.m.
📍 Argus/Endeavor Rooms 32/33, 2555 Lawrence St., Ceres
☎️ To register, please call (209) 556-1559

Mark your calendar for this month's CUSD Town Hall Meeting on school safety:
🗓️ Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023
⏰ 5:00-7:00 p.m. (dinner included)
📍 Ceres Community Center, 2701 4th St., Ceres
☎️ To register for free childcare, please contact the CUSD Family Resource Center at (209) 556-1559.

Did you know? In 2021, U.S. News & World Report ranked 3 CUSD high schools among the best in the greater Modesto area, reflecting the district’s focus on ensuring students graduate prepared for college and careers.

Superintendent Denise Wickham and Board Member Brian de la Porte were honored to accept, on CUSD's behalf, recognition from CASA of Stanislaus County for our commitment to serving the needs of every student, including those in foster care. We appreciate our partnership with CASA, whose work to ensure that foster youth have a voice and receive the care they deserve is a #LightOfHope in Ceres and beyond. #TheCeresWay

Did you know? CUSD’s graduation rate is among the best in Stanislaus County and well above the state average.

Congratulations to our September Sharks of the Month!

Meet Leila and her paraprofessional, Laura. Leila loves being part of Choir and Dance at school. Laura helps make sure that Leila has the support she needs to fully participate in learning and school activities, just like her peers.
Think you'd enjoy working one-on-one with students during school hours? CUSD is hiring paraprofessionals ... no experience required! Must be able to pass a background check and demonstrate NCLB compliance (we can help ... ask us how). To find out more and apply online, please visit http://www.edjoin.org/Home/DistrictJobPosting/1847125. #TeamCUSD #TheCeresWay

Voters in neighboring communities have passed school facility improvement bond measures to repair and upgrade their aging schools. Similar updates and repairs to those completed in neighboring districts are required in our own schools in order to ensure that all CUSD students have access to comparable state-of-the-art educational facilities and are prepared to compete for the jobs of the future. To learn more, please visit www.ceres.k12.ca.us/page/facilities-upgrades.

It's good to see you, Fall! 👋🍂 You're so much cooler than summer. 😎🌡️ #FirstDayofFall #AutumnVibes

During today's Association of California School Administrators Women in School Leadership Forum, Dr. Denise Wickham accepted the award for Exemplary Woman in Education for the State of California. In addressing the audience, Dr. Wickham acknowledged, "I couldn't have imagined – as the daughter of an immigrant dairyman who milked cows alongside my dad and brother before the bus came to pick me up for school every morning – that college could be in my future. ... And never, in my wildest dreams, did this moment seem possible." Congrats, Dr. Wickham! 🎉🏆✨ #DreamItDoIt #LadiesWhoLead #TheCeresWay

Attendance Update:
Congratulations to our August attendance winner! Follow us on social media to stay updated with attendance incentive giveaways. Our site attendance goal is: 96%. We are happy to announce that during the month of September we are currently at 95.56%. Thank you for your continued support in making sure your student comes to school daily. As a reminder, students with 1 absence or less for the month of September will automatically be entered to win a brand new PS5. Encourage your student to attend BK everyday.

Happy National IT Professionals’ Day to all of the talented (and patient) folks who keep technology running smoothly for CUSD students and staff! Whether a device is glitchy or we forgot our password, or we’re looking for an innovative way to support learning or streamline processes, our Education Technology Services team comes to the rescue. So far this school year, they're up to 7,037 completed Help Desk requests ... and counting! #ThanksTeam #TheCeresWay

Congratulations to Valeria Muniz, who won an electric scooter for excellent attendance during the month of August! To energize students about attending school, BK and CUSD will have monthly incentives for students who miss 0-1 days of school each month. The September prize is a PLAYSTATION 5! Be in it to win it and attend BK everyday! Congratulations Valeria Muniz!

Our local classrooms, labs, and school facilities are aging and in need of repairs. For example, upgrades are needed to security cameras, radios, and security systems at all schools and deteriorating portable classrooms need replacing. To learn more about steps CUSD is taking to address necessary facilities improvements, please visit www.ceres.k12.ca.us/page/facilities-upgrades.

At the Sept. 14 Board meeting, CUSD Trustees celebrated employees who are new to the district. Welcome to the family! #TeamCUSD #TheCeresWay